Saturday, May 26, 2012

Gen 3: Chapter Ten

 Miguel: I think she has my eyes. Really.
Bella: Miguel, you can't tell now. All babies have the same eye color when they are born.
I leaned in closer to scrutinize Rachel's little face.
Miguel: And she will have your lips, I can already tell. 

 Bella laughed as I continued to look at this little miracle we had created. Is this little worm really a part of me? 
Bella: I'm sorry I couldn't give you an new heir. Maybe we could try again?
I thought about all the stress and headaches this last pregnancy caused. I shook my head.

 Miguel: Bells, I don't think that is a good idea. I mean, Doc said this one was chancy as it was. I don't want to do anything that would cause me to lose you. We can just push that topic to the side and focus on us for a little while. Kay, Sweetie?
Bella: I know you're just thinking of me but...
She didn't get a chance to finish as the door bell rang. 
Miguel: Probably another of your friends here to see the baby. I'll tell them to shove off so you and  Baby Girl can get some sleep.

 I opened the door with a sheepish grin on my face, ready to nicely tell whoever it was to come back later in the day. My eyes fell on that beautiful blonde hair and that great ass. It wasn't a visitor for Bella that had come to call.

 Miguel: Vicki! What the hell are you doing at my house? Are you freakin' insane?!
Vicki: Hey! Give me just a second to explain. I have things I need to discuss with you, Miguel. But I wanted to wait for Bella to pop out that kid since you seemed so concerned with HER welfare.
Miguel: What things? I can obviously tell you aren't pregnant. You should be close to six months by now.

Vicki: You think I was gonna go through all this just to have a girl and a miserable monthly allowance? You already had one failure and that was with your wife. So when I found out mine was a girl too, I had it taken care of. I just got cleared from my OB. Any time you are ready, we can try for that boy again.
My stomach churned at the thought of having something of mine so ruthlessly destroyed with out my say-so.  

 Miguel: Damn it! You didn't even bother to ask me what I wanted, Vicki!
Vicki: Did you want another girl?
Miguel: Hell no, what would I do with a girl? I need a male heir!
That statement earned me a surprised gasp, but not from Vicki. But from Bella who had come to stand in the door.
Bella: Lies! Everything out of your mouth is lies, Miguel. I can't stand it anymore. I... I hate you!!!
Miguel: Bella!

 Vicki: Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
I looked at Vicki and I no longer saw the sexy, beautiful girl that had been my mistress for these last few years. I saw a cold, heartless bitch that I never wanted to see again.
Miguel: Eff that! You knew exactly what would happen when you came over here! You were tired of playing second fiddle and thought to take first string. But it ain't happening. I want you to leave and conveniently lose my number, my address... Hell, just completely forget who I am. Do you understand?!
I didn't wait for a reply. I slammed into my house and raced for the stairs.

I reach for our door but its locked. 
Miguel: Bella, open up. Come on, we need to talk. 

I wait but all I can hear are her muffled sobs. My heart feels like its being twisted into a thousand knots. 
Miguel: Bells, come on Sweetheart. Unlock the door, please.
Silence. I can't even hear her crying anymore.

Miguel: Bella?

Suddenly the smell of smoke filters into the hall. I can make out the faint sound of cracking. What is she doing? When my thoughts connect, I start to panic. I begin pounding on the door and throwing my shoulder into it. She must have pushed the dresser in front of the door!
Miguel: Bella! No, don't do this, Baby! Please, let me in!
I am frantic! Where the hell is everyone else? What if this fire spreads?

I continue to pound on the door and cry out to Bella. She never utters another word. Has she taken more pills? Has the smoke already got her? Damn, I should call the fire department!

 Operator: 911, what is your emergency?
Miguel: My wife has locked herself in our bedroom and I can smell smoke. I think she is burning herself inside. I can't get in. The dresser must be in the way! Send a fire truck NOW! Hurry!

 It seemed to take hours before help arrived. I stayed by the door, banging on it until my fists were bloody and raw. When the firefighters arrived, they decided to break through the bedroom window and attack the flames that way. I kept waiting for them to bring Bella out so that the waiting ambulance could bring her to the hospital. When they escorted me into the house I knew something was wrong.

 My stomach threatened to revolt at the stench of our bedroom. I couldn't make my mind comprehend what I was looking at. My sweet Bella! No, this isn't real. None of this is happening! I will wake up and Bella will be sleeping peacefully beside me in our bed.

 I felt my eyes fill and knew I was in shock even as my mind continued to try and deny reality. Feeling betrayed by me, Bella had wanted to hurt me by taking the only thing that was important to me in this world. Herself.


 Maya: Hey there, hey baby. Can you say hi to Grandma? Huh? You gonna talk?
I couldn't bring myself to even look at Rachel any more. I knew I was making the right choice. She needed someone who could care for her better than I. But my family didn't feel the same way.
Maya: I still think you are making a big mistake, Miguel. You know this isn't what Bella would have wanted.

  Just mentioning her name had the tears threatening. I knew I couldn't stay here in this house with all the memories constantly pushing at my mind.
Miguel: What Bella wanted is no longer an issue. Dameon is heir now and his wants are what matter. Rachel will be better off with him than she ever would have been with me. Besides, I just can't stand to watch him carry on the torch. 
Maya: You have to at least speak to him before you leave.
I have ignored him his whole life, I doubted anything I said would matter to him.
Miguel: I will, I guess.
 Mom turns and embraces me. I can hear her voice getting watery.
Maya: You be careful out there, Miguel.
I take a moment to memorize her face. Then I walk out the nursery without a backwards glance at the pink bundle resting in the crib.

Miguel: I haven't ... I mean really, we both know .... Damn!
Why do my words fail me when I need them the most? It made my blood boil to have to admit that I had been a lousy father to Dameon. Although I know he had no part in it, I still blamed him for Kya'a manipulations.

 My frustration mounts in the awkward silence. I react in anger.
Miguel: Just take care of Rachel, alright?! 
Dameon reacts by throwing his hands up as if I had been about to hit him. Fate would have my father walking in at that moment. I could tell he was pissed.

Julio: Back off, Miguel. He has enough on him already. Do you have any idea how hard it is for the rest of the family to exist in this small town with the huge scandal you have brought down on us? Everyone is picking up stakes and I don't blame them. 
I had no idea that my indiscretions and Bella's suicide had affected my relatives. Nor did I think about Dameon having to live here with those rumors always in circulation.
 Miguel: Dad, I give up! I'm gone.
I turned for the door and walked out. I cleared my mind as I walked down the stairs and headed for my old car waiting outside. I could make it to Hidden Springs in just under four hours. There was bound to be a bar where I could find a woman to help me forget.

I watched Miguel leave with mixed emotions. Relief that he was gone, anxiety that he would return and try to find me, anger that he could walk out on another child so easily.
Julio: You need to start packing. The sooner you and Rachel leave, the better the chances are that this scandal won't stick to you.

Granddaddy has always been the one looking out for me. I still remember those first few days after moving in with Miguel and his new wife Bella. I was doing some exploring, really just trying to stay out of Miguel's sight when I found Granddaddy meditating in the attic.
Julio: It helps find your center and keep your mind apart from your troubles. Maybe you would like to try it?
Dameon: Um sure ... if you don't mind taking the time to teach me.
Julio: Time is something I have a lot of. Come, sit next to me and learn to reach your Zen.

From then on, he was like the Dad I always wanted.
Julio: That's good, you are doing a great job. Now let's try for a right turn at the next road, OK?
My hands were sweating on the wheel and my heart was pounding. I was driving! But in the quiet, more than learning to drive was happening.
Dameon: Granddaddy, can I ask you something?
At his slow nod, I quickly blurted out what had been on  my mind.
Dameon: I ... I want to talk to this girl. And she is like the most popular girl in school and I am afraid she will laugh at me. So ... what do I do?
This turned into one of many talks about women, honor, and life.

After the funeral and Bella's third miscarriage, I took my turn at sitting with her. She had always been nice to me, if a little distant. But she had changed so much that it made being around her awkward and uncomfortable. I always felt like she got the short end of the stick by marrying my father.

I was hopeful things would change after we made the move to the new place. But Miguel never changed at all. Leading to Bella's death and Rachel's abandonment. Now it was my turn to try and proceed through life and produce an heir apparent.

 Dameon: I am mostly packed already. I am thinking of leaving first thing in the morning.
Julio: And what of Charissa?
Dameon: I have asked her to meet me at the park tonight after her photography class is over. I know her parents won't like it but I have a feeling she will say yes.
Granddaddy and I talked a bit more on the move. He was providing the seed money for our move. I have dreams of being on stage and figured Starlight Shores would be the most sensible move.

As I rocked Rachel to sleep, I worried if Starlight Shores was the right decision for HER. I wanted to give her the best! The love and stability I had been denied by my own mother and father would be showered all over this girl. And it was my hope that Rissa would be on board with these plans as well.

 We were friends in High School. She was so popular and I guess being nice to the new kid was just part of who she was. She liked to hang out with me on the weekends since she lived right across the street.
Dameon: So have you decided which guy you are going to prom with yet?
Charissa: Well, I know it seems horrible but I don't want to go with any of those guys that have asked me. I was kinda hoping to go with ... you.
 I was over the moon! We both laughed and started making plans to go together.

Charissa: You know, if you want to ditch me that's fine, Dameon. I know things are crazy with your step-mom being in the hospital and all.
Dameon: No. No, I would lever leave you ... alone.
And I was so glad I went. She actually asked ME to go steady. And we shared our first kiss right behind the punch bowl.

Dameon: So you will come with me? Leave everything you know behind, your family, friends, and your job?
Her laughter filled the cool night air.
Charissa: Most definitely. I would never leave you alone, Dameon.
All those years of being neglected and pushed aside by those that were suppose to care for me melted away. Here was someone willing to put ME first. I pulled Rissa into my arms and reached out to tuck a few stray strands of her hair behind her ear.

Dameon: I love you, Charissa.
Charissa: I love you too, Dameon.
My lips met hers in a rush of emotion. We were moving to a new town together, starting a life with my little sister. What will the future hold for us?

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