Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chapter Five

Nothing like waking up next to the town grocer ... in your skivvies.

 Barely awake and you are knocking on Gracie's door?! I think not.

 More of the same. That garden looks small, but it takes Rafe all frackin' day to tend it!

 Bet he forgot about his date with Hailey. Thankfully, she was willing to give him another chance.

 *sigh* I need to get this guy some moolah so he can buy one of those eco-friendly cars. This is tedious, it's ...

 A DEER! *And FYI, I have been reprimanded by the Grammar King that I misspelled "deer" in my previous chapters. My most sincere apologies.*

 Damn, Rafe! Take a shower next time. You are making people sick.

 Aww, don't look so sad. She will show and I am sure she won't mind that you ALREADY ate dinner.

 The paparazzi are even complaining about your smell. Definitely need to clean up before going out next time.

 See, she showed up. But it appears she has an eye for the camera. Do you think she is interested in only your 3 Star Celebrity status?

 EEK! Put some space between yourself and those teeth, asap!!!

 Much better. I think you scored with the red ones, Rafe.

And now seems like the appropriate time to ask if she will break up with Calvin What's-His-Name.

 She seems to be genuinely considering your request.

 Que the paparazzi! Yes, they caught Hailey's public break-up with Calvin FOR Rafe on camera.

 Ah, but Rafe was able to work up his courage to ask Hailey to go steady.

 After she went home, Rafe detoured back into the grocer to sell some produce.

 Enough to sell this stanky, old tub that Rafe always complains he wastes water on...

 ... for a bare bulb and that swank shower.

 And also pay that loan note.

 Time to get your sweet-ass clean, boy-oh. *swoons*

 *ahem* The next morning arrives in a flurry of feathers.

 Rafe decided to read the morning paper. *As if! You and I both know that men do not read on chairs but on porcelain thrones!*

 Now there's a shocker. I think this prompted Rafe to "drop" by.

 Obviously, someone beat him to the punch.

 She claims it's his and that it's a girl. Rafe, the dope, is overjoyed.

As per a woman's intuition, Hailey called to chat about her upcoming party.

 Guilt does the job and Rafe leaves without asking for Gracie's services.

 But time will tell if it's the last we have seen of her.

Rafe declined Hailey's invite to come over as he was extremely tired after tending his garden till 9pm. I found her later that night outside the diner. I wonder if she knows about Rafe's love child?

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